Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani organized a Two Day Industry Expert Session on “Machine Learning”. The session was conducted on the digital platform using Zoom cloud Meeting tool during the Lockdown period. This is the first from the series of industry expert lectures for this academic year 2020-21. The expert is a...Read More
Speaker Profile: Mr. Anil Kumar Sudele, Senior Project Engineer at ‘Control and Automation System’, Pune possess Master’s degree in Electrical engineering from Mumbai university and has published various papers in national and international journals. Sir has more than 08 years of experience in programmable logic designing, automation, SCADA, VFD and HMI. Sir has also worked...Read More
A Workshop on “PCB Design” was conducted by Prof. Pratik Mhatre on 26th April, 2020 for the target members of first year students. This online workshop was organised by Department of Applied Science and Humanities, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology. PCB Designing is one of most emerging field in Electronics in today’s era....Read More
NSS Unit of Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani always works for the people in the neighbourhood community. It has adopted village Gulsunde, Panvel on 10th December, 2019. The population of this village is around 6000 out of which around 600 are tribes there where development is required. Currently all are aware of...Read More
Department of Computer Engineering of Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology organized One Week Faculty Development Program on ” Python “in association with IIT Spoken Tutorial. IIT Spoken Tutorial is a multi-award-winning educational content portal. Spoken tutorial is an initiative of National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD. FDP was organized during April 21st...Read More
Workshop on Antenna Design using HFSS and CST Software conducted under IETE chapter of Dept. of EXTC, PHCET Department of EXTC Engineering conducted online workshop on “Antenna Design using HFSS and CST Software” under IETE ISF on 14th April, 2020. It was targeted for third year students of EXTC department and was organised using Zoom...Read More
Industrial Visit to Airport Utility Building – Mumbai International Airport Limited An industrial visit was arranged for TE Electrical Engineering students on 29th March, 2020.The goal of this visit was to provide an insight for the students with major in electrical engineering an on site feel of their curriculum. This enhances their approach in absorbing...Read More
Workshop on “PCB Design” conducted under IETE chapter of PHCET A Workshop on “PCB Design” was conducted under IETE Student chapter for SE EXTC students. PCB Designing is one of most emerging field in Electronics in today’s era. For the students of Electrical, Electronics & Electronics & Communication engineering (EC) students, this is a good...Read More
As per the stipulations of Mumbai University, for the successful completion of the course Surveying II, a survey camp needs to be conducted for the second year students. For the academic year 2019-20, the camp was conducted for S.E.-A at Franav Farms, Apta from 6th to 7th March, 2020 for S.E. A and from 13th...Read More
Workshop on “Arduino Programming” conducted under IETE chapter A Workshop on “Arduino Programming” was conducted under IETE Student chapter for TE EXTC students on 13th March, 2020. Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs – light on a sensor, a finger on a...Read More