Department of Computer Engineering has taken an initiative of “Project Based Learning“. In this, students have started working on the PBL scheme from second year onwards. Through PBL, the students will get an opportunity to explore their talent and skills to contribute to the society by giving their best and developing a system for the betterment of the society.
Also the students will get an opportunity to explore their skills learned during the previous years of hard work in the Engineering life. The students will learn 3 important lessons while working on these projects, the first one is the positive attitude development, second most thing is learning new tools for developing a system and the third most is the experience that the students will gain while working on such live projects. Currently we are having more than 100 students working in the Project Based Learning scheme. Students have developed various applications under PBL scheme such as Security Club and CSI Website.
In Project Based Learning (PBL), students design and develop project related to their academic subjects. In PBL authentic assessment and evaluation allow faculty to systematically document a student’s progress and development. PBL lets the teacher have multiple assessment opportunities. It also allows a student to demonstrate his or her capabilities while working independently. It shows the student’s ability to apply desired skills and practical knowledge. PBL also develops the child’s ability to work with his or her peers, building teamwork and group skills.