Department of Electrical Engineering organized a training programme in association with Tata Power Skill Development Institute (TPSDI) Shahad on 23rd March, 2024. 24 students and 6 faculties were present for training. The training was delivered by Mr. Sachin Torne certified Green Hydrogen trainer, TPSDI, Shahad. With more than 35 years of industrial experience in engineering,...Read More
SE, TE & BE students were present for the workshop. This activity offered live hands on Arduino interfacing. By conducting the workshop, students understand what an Arduino is and how it works. Program Arduino using code written in Arduino IDE. Use different sensors , components and prototype modules using a breadboard. And learn to build...Read More
The Electrical Engineering Department organized an Industrial Visit for the Fourth and Sixth Semester Students to 220 KV ONGC Substation, MSETCL, ONGC Colony, Panvel. To provide them with practical insights into the functioning of a crucial infrastructure component in the energy sector. Hosted by MSETCL at the ONGC Colony, the visit aimed to supplement classroom...Read More
Event Outcome: Department of Information Technology under ISTE Student Chapter of Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology organized Hands On two days workshop on “Python and Machine Learning” on 21st and 22nd March, 2024. Enhanced Programming Skills: Participants improved their programming skills through hands-on Python exercises and project demonstrations. Understanding of Machine Learning: Attendees...Read More
The Awareness Rally was organized with the primary aim of spreading awareness about cleanliness by the NSS unit of the PHCET which is held on 20th March, 2024. It was attended by Principal sir Dr. Jagdish Bakal and many prominent professors, Students and non-teaching staff from different branches with great enthusiasm. The event began with...Read More
Event Objective: To mentor the students as a software developer, to study various coding skills to pivot into the role of a technical architect, or leverage your expertise and influence with other team members to become a tech lead. Take the aid of engineering skills to even lead a career as a project manager, or...Read More
Donating blood is a vital way to help save lives. Along with helping save lives, there are a number of reasons why donating blood is important. A single donation can save three lives. Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person. Therefore to create awareness, on 20th March, 2024, the...Read More
Event Objective Introduction to Flutter Framework Setup development Environment Understanding Flutter Basics Building a Simple Flutter App Hands-On Coding Sessions Building Responsive UI’s Event Outcome Students will gain a clear understanding of the Flutter framework and the Dart programming language. Students will be able to install and configure the Flutter SDK and necessary development tools....Read More
One day workshop organized by Electrical Department on 15th March, 2024 for students of Electrical department. The following concepts have been discussed at the workshop. Global overview of Power development. • Global overview of Renewable Energy , Development including Solar, Basic principles of Solar Power (Solar Photovoltaic) • Manufacturing process for Solar Photovoltaic • Use...Read More