For First Year students on 8th – 9th March, 2023 in Conclave – I & II As per the academic performances of students in SEM-I, Dr. Vashistha, Professor and Head, ASH Department conducted a Seminar on “Corrective Measures and Future Planning” for all FE students on 8th and 9th March, 2023. He provides some general...Read More
For First Year students on 8th March, 2023 in Conclave – II The objectives of the workshop were to enable the participants to understand the Essential of calculus. Prof. Shital Rithe, Applied Sciences and Humanities enlightened the students to a one hour enlightening Session on “Essential of Calculus”. Prof. Shital took the participants through a...Read More
For First Year students on 8th March, 2023 in Conclave – I & II As per current environmental issues, climate change and wellbeing of the student’s Principal Sir Dr. J. W Bakal and Dr. Vashistha, Professor and Head, ASH department conducted a Seminar on “Science of happiness and wellbeing” for all FE students on 8th...Read More
For First Year students on 8th March, 2023 in Conclave – I Prof. Suma Lalit, from Applied Sciences and Humanities, introduced students to the reflective practices for personal and professional growth. The one hour session enable the students to imbibe and self-examine one’s own action. It helped students to introspect their attitude, emotional intelligence and...Read More
The Department of Computer Engineering organized a workshop on UML Designing on 8th March, 2023. Total 50 students attended the program. This hands-on workshop conducted by our faculty member Mr. Rahul Kapse. He has given the knowledge about how to design the UML for projects. Sir has covered all UML diagrams. This workshop was conducted...Read More
The Department of Computer Engineering organized a workshop on LaTex Designing on March 8, 2023. Total 50 students attended the program. This hands-on workshop conducted by Head of Department Ms. Rohini madam. The main objective behind conducting this workshop is to encourage students to write papers and report and so this software helps students to...Read More
Women’s Development Cell (WDC), Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani has organized one day Picnic to ND Studio, Karjat on the occasion of International Women’s Day on 6th March, 2023. The objective of Picnic is to get break from regular academic and work. Also to refresh their minds and to make memories to...Read More
For First Year students on 6th March, 2023 in Conclave – I The objectives of the workshop were to identify how conic sections are formed and student will able to sketch these graphs on a rectangular coordinate plane. Prof. Vijaya Shelke, Applied Sciences and Humanities conducted a one-hour session on “To Know The Basic of...Read More
A Hands-on Workshop on “Arduino Programming” was conducted by Prof. Upendra D. Patil, Assistant Professor of Department of Electronics and Computer Science, PHCET under IETE Students forum, one of the leading Professional Society in India on 6th March, 2023 for second year engineering students of Electronics and Computer Science department. Over the years Arduino has...Read More
A few minutes of Yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily-in both the body and mind. Women’s Development Cell (WDC), Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani has organized Yoga session on the occasion of International Women’s Day on 3rd March, 2023 at 10.30...Read More