Industrial Visit at “Renewsys India Pvt Ltd. MIDC, Patalganga, Khalapur”

PHCET > Latest News > Industrial Visit at “Renewsys India Pvt Ltd. MIDC, Patalganga, Khalapur”

Students of Final Year Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Visited RenewSys India Pvt. Ltd. on 5th October, 2024


5th October, 2024
Mr. Hemant Patil
Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology (PHCET), Rasayani arranged an industrial visit to: Renewsys India Pvt Ltd. MIDC, Patalganga, Khalapur

On 5th October 2024. A group of 20 members (18 students and 2 faculty members) participated in this activity. The industrial visit to RenewSys India Pvt. Ltd., located in Patalganga, Khalapur, was an insightful experience aimed at understanding the functioning and operations of a solar module (Solar Panel) manufacturing facility. RenewSys is a leading manufacturer of solar PV modules, encapsulants, and back sheets, with a strong focus on quality and sustainability. The visit provided an in-depth view of the solar module production process and RenewSys’ role in the renewable energy sector.

Objectives of the Visit:
The main objectives of the visit were:

  1. To understand the process of solar PV module manufacturing.
  2. To learn about the quality control mechanisms at different stages of production.
  3. To explore how RenewSys contributes to sustainable energy solutions.
  4. To interact with industry experts and gain practical insights into renewable energy technology.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understanding the Solar Module Manufacturing Process: We gained a comprehensive understanding of how solar modules are produced, from raw materials to the final product. The process involves several stages, each critical to ensuring the efficiency and durability of the modules.
  2. Quality Control and Assurance: The visit highlighted the importance of stringent quality control measures in ensuring that solar modules meet international standards. This was particularly evident in the testing phase where RenewSys implements advanced techniques to guarantee product reliability.
  3. Industry Insight: Interaction with the professionals provided us with insights into the operational challenges, innovations, and the future trajectory of the renewable energy industry in India and globally.

List of students visiting Renewsys India Pvt Ltd., MIDC, Patalganga on 5th October, 2024

Name of StudentClass
Patil Arya ParagB.E. Mechanical
Bhoir Parth VishnuB.E. Mechanical
Gawand Yash SainathB.E. Mechanical
Kadav Aditya JiteshB.E. Mechanical
Naik Sahil AbhayB.E. Mechanical
Singh Aman NiranjankumarB.E. Mechanical
Gaikar Arya Sanjay SB.E. Mechanical
Gharat Prajyot PralhadB.E. Mechanical
Harpude Girish VilasB.E. Mechanical
Kedari Yash PandurangB.E. Mechanical
Khade Vedant HemantB.E. Mechanical
Labhade Girish AshokB.E. Mechanical
Mhatre Ketan HirachandB.E. Mechanical
Nirguda Keshav JanardhanB.E. Mechanical
Patil Aditya SushilB.E. Mechanical
Patil Tejas DhanajiB.E. Mechanical
Thorve Prashant RajeshB.E. Mechanical
Utekar Akshay AnilB.E. Mechanical
List of Faculty Participated
Name of FacultyClass
Mr. Hemant PatilB.E. Mechanical
Mr. Atul JadeB.E. Mechanical