Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Engineering organized an Expert talk on “Cyber Security & Social Media Hacking” for third year and final year computer engineering students on 2nd March, 2023. This Expert talk is designed to help the students understand the importance of cyber security and social media hacking do’s...Read More
Date: 28th February, 2023 Industry Name: Aiipltech Pvt. Ltd. Coordinator: Ms. Pradnya Patil Department: Computer Engineering Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Engineering students had successfully visited to “Aiipltech Pvt. Ltd.” on 28th February, 2023. Importance of Cyber Security Today we live in a digital era where all aspects of our...Read More
On the occasion of National Science Day, Department of Electronics & Computer Science, Pillai HOC college of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani had organized an industrial visit on 28th February, 2023 to GMRT (Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope) located in Narayangaon, Junnar, Pune for the students of T.E. and B.E. Electronics & Computer Science. The Giant Metrewave...Read More
A free AI-ML workshop by Edureka on “Predicting COVID 19 Trajectories in 2023” was organised by PHCET on 27th February, 2023, 11:00 a.m. Around 50+ Students from our institute have participated in this seminar Event Outcome: The fundamentals of AI was clear Learned the foundation and terminology of ML Got the knowledge about the current...Read More
To understand the capabilities of students to their very strength of software programming, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Engineering organized a one day online workshop on “Introduction to Industry Technologies” for second, third and final year computer engineering students on 25th February, 2023. Event Outcome: The overall goal of this...Read More
Aptech Learning offered industry-relevant curriculum designed to meet the demands of top companies. Providing tailored training programs to develop in-demand skills required by various industries, Aptech Learning introduced students to a diverse range of career-focused programs, preparing them for job opportunities in reputable companies. Interactive sessions engaged students, offering insights into the importance of acquiring...Read More
GDSC PHCET conducted an event “DSA with Sami Ahmed” for the third-year students of the Computer Department and IT department for the preparation of their competitive coding environment. Event Name: DSA with Sami Ahmed Event coordinator: GDSC PHCET Faculty coordinator: Ms. Komal Golimbade Date: 22nd February, 2023 Time: 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Venue: B505...Read More
Department of Civil Engineering, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology in association with Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Student chapters of ASTR, ISRS, IGBC and IIC has organised a Webinar on ‘Ultra High Performance Concrete’. The webinar is delivered by the research scholar from IIT Bombay. The program is conducted online with the active...Read More
Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology conducted four-day session on Study Work Shop on 6th February, 2023 to 11th February, 2023 in the respective class rooms. In the presence of respective class co coordinator and subject teacher students has provided with notes and study material. Total students present during study workshop 371 Total teachers...Read More
Objective: To help students identifying their strength towards achieving their goals based on their best skills. Aptitude and various competitive exam practice. To aware students aware of aptitude test which most important part if screening process for the most potential employer. Course Content / Description: Training process and skill set required to succeed in given...Read More