One Day Training on Solar PV System at Tata Power Skill Development Institute, Shahad Department of Electrical Engineering organized a training programme in association with Tata Power Skill Development Institute (TPSDI) Shahad on 7th March, 2020. Total 5 staff along with 4 students were present for training. The training was delivered by Mr. Mr. Hari...Read More
Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology had organized One Day Zumba Session on 6th March, 2020 for all female faculty members. The event was for keeping stress at bay and enable participants to handle the stress with fun. The session was attended by about 40 enthusiastic female faculty members. The session started with the...Read More
The Expert Lecture on “Smart Grid Technology and Applications” was organized by Department of Electrical Engineering organized by Prof. Ms. Sanobar S. Third year and Final Year Electrical Engineering Students. It commenced at 11:00 a.m. on 5th March, 2020 in 1st Floor, Conclave-I. Prof. Ms. Tahoora Qureshi, Assistant professor and Expert for smart grid technologies...Read More
As an initiative under the WDC, Stress Management Sessions were conducted across all the seven departments in PHCET over a period of two months by our in house counsellor Ms. Jarvis Varghese Kallarakal for students and faculties. The topics for the Stress Management Sessions were as follows: Time Management/li> Anger Management/li> Planning and Organization/li> Music...Read More
Overview of the Event: Parent Teacher meet is organised by department of mechanical engineering twice in every semester, to inform parents about progress of their children. We ensure that any relative information regarding Unit Test Marks, Attendance and overall behaviour of our students, is conveyed to their parents via one to one meeting with respective...Read More
Parent Teacher Meeting was conducted in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department for academic year ESAY 2019-20 on 29th February, 2020. Students along with parents were welcomed by the CCs and faculty members of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department. The meeting was addressed by Head of Department, Dr. Mansi Subhedar. She delivered a presentation to explain...Read More
Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities organized a Parent Teacher Meet on 29th February, 2020 at 9th floor Auditorium, Main building. Around 300 students and parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Dr. Madhumita Chatterjee (Principal, PHCET) & Dr. Manvendra Vashistha (HOD, ASH). The meritorious students were given the certificate of appreciation by...Read More
Parent Teacher Meeting was conducted at Civil Engineering Department for academic year ESAY 2019-20. Students along with parents were welcomed by the staff of Civil Engineering Department. The meeting was addressed by our respected principal Dr. Madhumita Chatterjee and Head of Department Mr. Raju Narwade. Dr. Madhumita Chatterjee gave motivational talk on overall development of...Read More
Department of Electrical organized a Parent Teacher Meeting on 29th February, 2020 in A-505, V-floor, engineering building. Around 57 students along with their parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Prof. Pranita Chavan (HOD, ELEC) wherein he discussed the following topics- Importance of student’s attendance in the class was briefly discussed. Parents were...Read More
The PTM (Parents Teachers Meeting) Even Semester A.Y. 2019-20 of Computer Engineering Department was conducted on 29th February, 2020 at 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. in department of Computer Engineering. The main agenda of the meeting was to provide a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to discuss the various issues for the...Read More