Goals: The primary goal of Tech-Euforia’18 was to encourage students to bring out their technical as well as non-technical abilities and skills, by participating in the diverse events that were organized for them. One of the main objectives was to conduct a large scale technical festival in our campus to contribute to the reputation of...Read More
Electrical Museum was organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering on 18th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd & 24th January, 2018 in 504, V-floor, Engineering Building. The main objectives of this museum are: To bring out the creative and technical skill of students in the field of Electrical engineering. To portray the growth of science and...Read More
Dr. Shreenivas N. Londhe, Professor in Civil Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune was invited for expert lecture. He delivered lecture on “Research Outcomes with Special Reference to Research Proposal, Publications and Funding Proposals”. This department has also organized expert lecture on other subjects.Read More
The main objective of NPTEL is to make learning material available to students of Engineering institutions through easier means. The broad aim of the project is to facilitate the competitiveness of Indian industry in the global markets through improving the quality and research of engineering. National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), a project funded...Read More
Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Sources” on 8th to 13th January, 2018. Short Term Training Program (STTP) organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, PHCET.Read More
The Department of Electrical Engineering conducted a Two Days Workshop on “Power Electronics Application to Renewable Energy Resources” on Friday 12th – Saturday 13th January, 2018 in Architecture Hall, 3rd Floor. The main objective was to provide useful insight and hands-on-training on the application of Power Electronics to Microgrid, Distributor Generator and smartgrid. The program...Read More
Mr. Kaustubh Raikar did M.S. (Structures) in 2003 from USA. He is a Civil Engineer with management capability, leading a team of engineers for project management, detailed design and planning of structures (specialty in industrial houses). He has over 25 Industrial, Commercial and Residential Projects to his credit for turnkey design and project management. He...Read More
Structural Analysis is major subject of civil engineering that evaluates the different loads on structures and their effects. Structural analysis employs the fields of applied mechanics, materials science and applied mathematics to compute a structure’s deformations, internal forces, stresses, support reactions, accelerations and stability. The results of the analysis are used to verify a structure’s...Read More
Dr. Shirish Ravan (Head of UN-SPIDER Office, United Nations, Beijing) delivered a Seminar as a Resource Person on “Role of United Nations (N SPIDER) in Disaster Management”.Read More