Solid Works – a leading 3D solid modeling software – boasts a vast array of tools that can help you build better designs and spot errors that you might ordinarily miss. In this course, get acquainted with some of the more advanced manufacturing verification and simulation tools that are available in Solid Works and discover...Read More
We have organized a “Poster and Rangoli Competition” under IEI Student’s Chapter for students on 31st August, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. Total 25 groups participated in the competition. The topics for Poster and Rangoli Competition as follows: Renewable Sources of Energy Digitization Plastic Ban Kerala Floods Women Empowerment What is Engineering to you? Save Power,...Read More
This program covers topics of Fuel & Electricity conservation, Pollution, Climate Change & shared with us various energy saving measures & tips for saving in current scenario and use of solar energy etc. The energy efficient use of smartphone, electronic gadgets, vehicles and other day to day appliances was also helpful to youth and society.Read More
This program covers topics of Fuel & Electricity conservation, Pollution, Climate Change & shared with us various energy saving measures & tips for saving in current scenario and use of solar energy etc. The energy efficient use of smartphone, electronic gadgets, vehicles and other day to day appliances was also helpful to youth and society....Read More
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists cover the learning objectives in cognitive, affective and sensory domains. The cognitive domain list has been the primary focus of most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning...Read More
The Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology held Tech-Quiz and Tech-Elocution Competition on Friday, 10th August, 2018. The inaugural ceremony started with a warm welcome of the dignitaries. The dignitaries included Dr. Ashok Kanthe (HOD), Dr. Joseph Mathew and all the HODs of Other Departments. After the introduction, all the dignitaries kindled the lamp....Read More
Theme: Data Science incorporates both the technical and non-technical issues and phenomena that arise from the explosive rise in data. It provides methods of collecting and analysing this data and visualising the results, ultimately offering data scientists a set of tools to tell stories using data. Data Science is a study which deals with identification,...Read More
When new students enter in an Engineering Institution, they come with diverse thoughts, backgrounds & preparations. Induction program for newly admitted students is conducted between 6th to 8th August, 2018, at PHCET, Rasayani by Mathematics faculty collaborating with the other departments before the commencement of the first semester classes. The main objective of the course...Read More
The One Day Workshop was organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and it commenced at 10:00 a.m. on 4th August, 2018. Ms. Supriya Shigwan and Ms. Ronita Pawn conducted the session for the faculties of Electrical Engineering. PCB Designing is one of most emerging field in Electrical and Electronics in today’s era. The workshop was...Read More