One Day Workshop was arranged on Matlab for all the students during TechEuforia of PHCET by Mr. S. N. Kadam on 25th January, 2017. The workshop was intended to help the students to understand the basics of Matlab programming and its application in engineering field.Read More
Two Days National Workshop on “Composites: Fracture Toughness, NDE & Failure Analysis”organized by SFA Mumbai Chapter and PHCET supported by American Society for Quality, Local Member Community Mumbai and ASM International India Chapter, at Auditorium, PHCET, Rasayani This National Workshop focuses on testing of composites materials with a support of SFA Mumbai chapter and American...Read More
An Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) is a heat engine where the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the working fluid flow circuit. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high-temperature and high-pressure gases produced by combustion applies direct force...Read More
Introduction: Air conditioning (often referred to as AC, A.C., or A/C) is the process of removing or adding heat from / to a space, thus cooling or heating the space’s average temperature. Air conditioning can be used in both domestic and commercial environments. This process is most commonly used to achieve a more comfortable interior...Read More
One Day National Workshop organized by SFA Mumbai Chapter and PHCET supported by American Society for Quality, Local Member Community Mumbai on “Failure Analysis of Fasteners” at Conclave, PHCET, Rasayani. This workshop organised for fastener industry and discusses the failure analysis of fasteners with case studies.Read More
One Day National Workshop on Advances in Finite Element Methods was conducted on Saturday, 11th April, 2015 at PHCET, Rasayani organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering. The workshop was organised under the leadership and guidance of our honourable patrons. A total of 89 delegates participated in the workshop. The function was inaugurated by honourable Lata...Read More
The workshop on Recent Trends in Machining Processes was organized by department of Mechanical at Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani. The workshop was arranged for the students to introduce them about the recent trends which are followed by industries for production. Also it was a good industry institute interaction session. The Workshop...Read More
Workshop on “Fracture Mechanics, Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Testing”at TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., MIDC, Navi Mumbai. The workshop focuses testing of composite materials in the context of Fracture Mechanics, Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Testing.Read More