NSS Unit of Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani always works for the people in the neighbourhood community. It has adopted village Gulsunde, Panvel on 10th December, 2019. The population of this village is around 6000 out of which around 600 are tribes there where development is required. Due to excessive rain in...Read More
A special Covid-19 Vaccination Drive was conducted by Mahatma Education Society for the teaching and non-teaching staff of Pillai HOCL Educational Campus on 16th July, 2021.Read More
PHCET considers mentoring as both professional and personal preparation for corporate life with the guidance of an elder and accomplished professional. The objective of this Industry Mentor–Mentee programme is to inculcate a winner’s attitude and cultivate good personal and professional traits in the young and help them become Industry ready. The industry mentor-mentee interaction for...Read More
Date: January 2021 Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology in association with Pillai Group of Institutions on the behalf of Mahatma Education Society conducted a Community Service Day as “Blanket Donation Drive”. To make up for the omission in 2020, Mahatma Education Society joined forces to observe Community Service Day in 2021 and announced...Read More
One of the key goals of Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology has been to expand our community service activities on a massive scale to help us reach out to many underprivileged people in our society and also inculcate a sense of pride among our students and faculty members in serving the less fortunate...Read More
Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology has partnered with ActionAid Association (India) to raise funds to provide resources for the flood affected victims of Assam and Bihar in July 2020. ActionAid is an international non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to work against poverty and injustice worldwide. More than 25 lakh...Read More
International Women’s Day celebrated every year is a significance of women’s achievements and call to action for accelerating gender equality. To grace womanhood, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology celebrated International Women’s Day on 7th March, 2020, Architecture Seminar Hall. The celebration was a great initiative by the institute to bestow love, respect and...Read More