Topics include in CAD/CAM systems (Hardware and Software), Geometric modeling using curves, surfaces and solids, CAD/CAM data exchange, CAD and CAM integration, Mechanical assembly, Mechanical Tolerancing, Mass property calculations, Process planning and Tool path generation, integration of CAD/CAM with the production machine and Computer control of machines and processes in manufacturing systems. Projects will focus...Read More
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication organised One Day Workshop on “Matlab Applications” on 3rd August, 2018 under IETE student’s forum [ISF] for the students. It was attended by 51 participants with 41 students and 10 faculty. It was conducted by Industry expert Mr. Yashwant M. and Ms. Poonam Choudhary. In this workshop participant learnt about...Read More
Department of Civil Engineering conducted Institute of Engineers (India) Approved Two Days National Workshop on 3rd and 4th August, 2018, on “Real-time Applications of Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Engineering”. view Brochure of Workshop on “Real-time Applications of Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Engineering Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Engineering are non-separable parts of civil engineering. Geotechnical engineering...Read More
Theme: The workshop on Internet of Things and Embedded Target Boards organized by the department of Information Technology at Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, which was held on 2nd – 3rd August, 2018. Total 34 students have been participated in this workshop. Ms. Shubhangi M. Verulkar & Ms. Poornima Mahesh, Assistant Professor, KCCEMSR,...Read More
As per practice of every semester, even this semester i.e. ESAY 2017-18 students from different classes of Department of Civil Engineering, especially that from third year went for the internship. The department always encourages students also provides necessary facilities, for the same. Few students approach the internship employee by their own choice. Permissions are granted...Read More
Basic Sciences and Humanities organized First year Orientation Programme on 1st to 3rd August, 2018. Dr. Chelpa Lingam, Principal delivered a welcome speech and introduced various college activities like placement facility, gym, sports activities, mentoring system, student welfare, library, college infrastructure etc. and the achievements the college has achieved with constant pursuance of excellence. Dr....Read More
Academics and Industrialists have a different mindset; as they both live in two different worlds. Deepening of Industry-Academic-Interaction has potential to enhance the quality of teaching and research in the institutes and production output and processes in the industry. Industry experience should be tilled back into the education system continuously for improving the curriculum and...Read More
As per the culture of Pillai HOC College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering organizes various technical Workshops for aspirants assembling with various interest in the field with a very high competitive spirit to participant and with the strong determination to include their achievements & accomplishments to their resumes. For the preceding academic year 2018-19,...Read More
Purnima is one such day when the Guru or the teacher is worshipped for the work they have done for their disciples. Every year in the month of Ashadh this festival is celebrated. It is actually a combination of two Sanskrit words “Gu” and “Ru”. “Gu” in Sanskrit means ignorance or darkness and “Ru” means...Read More
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication organised One Day Workshop on “Latex” on 21st July, 2018 under IETE student’s forum [ISF] for the students. 50 students participated in the workshop. It was conducted by Prof. Jayesh Rane, Assistant Professor, EXTC Dept. In this workshop students learnt how to prepare their Project reports, thesis and IEEE paper...Read More