Project Based Learning (PBL): Project Competition

PHCET > IT Competition > Project Based Learning (PBL): Project Competition

Department of Information Technology organized a Project Competition for the students under Project Based Learning (PBL). Project Based Learning (PBL) prepares students for academic, personal and career success and prepares young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit. This practice is unique to our institution and is conducted every semester in the department. The project were given to Second year students based on various topics like arduino, app development, web development and various other streaming fields that belongs to their curriculum.

29th September, 2018
Information Technology Engineering

The Project Based Learning Competition was scheduled on 29th September, 2018. The students were instructed to keep their project set up ready in the allotted lab before 10am.12 groups from S.E. I.T. presented new project ideas while integrating subjects across the curriculum. The phases of the PBL event are as given above in the schedule.

The competition was distributed into two halves. The first phase was from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. where the students had to give a presentation about their project in front of a panel which comprised HOD and other senior faculties of the department. They had to explain their project objective, how they implemented the project, how it works and all the basic functionalities of their project. Students visited the Research Lab for issuing the components required for the project. Project based learning has highly motivated the students for research and development. This helped the students to gain confidence and improve their presentation skills.

The next half session was from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. where an external examiner visited the labs and evaluated the projects. Students submitted a report of their project to respective guides The External Examiner judged them on various factors like presentation skills, complexity of the design, concept behind their project and various other factors. The examiner also gave them suggestions of how to improve their project.

Students gave and received constructive peer feedback that helped them to improve project processes and products The overall concept behind this project based learning was very self-learning and helped the students to learn and sharpen their skills