To train tech-minded students Department of Information Technology has successfully conducted Hands on Workshop on “Django”. The event was conducted on 22nd September, 2022 in the lab D-312 between 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On this momentous occasion it was our proud privilege that we were blessed with Mr. Harshad Dagade as a speaker. The...Read More
DAS Offshore Limited was established as an engineering and construction company mainly for fabrication of offshore structures in 1992. With passage of time, the company has diversified into various areas and presently serves sectors such as upstream / downstream hydrocarbon, water supply, infrastructure etc. The core service area however continues to be upstream oil &...Read More
Printed Circuit Boards are an essential part of electronic connections to generate mechanical support. Conductive tracks, pads, and other features are etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate to connect capacitors, resistors, or active devices which are generally soldered on the Printed Circuit Board. Department of Electronics & Computer, Pillai HOC College of...Read More