Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology had organized One Day Zumba Session on 6th March, 2020 for all female faculty members. The event was for keeping stress at bay and enable participants to handle the stress with fun.
The session was attended by about 40 enthusiastic female faculty members.
The session started with the zumba instructor performing the Zumba dance steps. Participants initially watched the dance steps demonstrated by the instructor and tried to follow the steps. It was a thrilling experience for everyone. The instructor used variety of rhythm and easy to follow steps to guide the participants. The instructor addressed the participants and encouraged everyone to perform with apt coordination and splendid zest.
All female participants described Zumba as more dance and fun activity than that benefits every age group. The purpose of the event was to indulge female faculty in physical activity and improve the quality of life.
The session lasted for an hour and came to an end with a motivational message by Dr. Lata Menon, Principal PHCASC and Dr. Madhumita Chatterjee. Dr. Lata Menon shared her thoughts on ‘Women Empowerment’ and Dr. Madhumita Chatterjee, Principal, PHCET encouraged female faculty to be practice physical activity for healthy life.