A Webinar on “NET SIM – A Network Simulator” was organised under IETE Student Forum by the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering for S.E., T.E. and B.E. students on 22nd February, 2021. Dr. Mujib Tamboli, Assistant Professor AIKTCE was invited as guest speaker for this session.
The NetSim is an end-to-end, full stack, packet level network simulator and emulator. It provides network engineers with a technology development environment for protocol modelling, network R&D and military communications. The behaviour and performance of new protocols and devices can be investigated in a virtual network within NetSim at significantly lower cost and in less time than with hardware prototypes.
Dept. ISF Coordinator Mr. Pratik Mhatre organised this event. The speaker explained the usage of this software and different scenarios which can be helpful in studying technologies like Bluetooth, Zig-Bee, Mobile Communication. The QA part of the session was really fruitful as students took part actively and cleared their queries. Session ended with vote of thanks by Head of the Department, Dr. Mansi Subhedar.
Session feedback submitted by students has confirmed the effectiveness of the session.