To understand the capabilities of students to their very strength of software programming, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Engineering organized a one day online workshop on “Introduction to Industry Technologies” for second, third and final year computer engineering students on 25th February, 2023.
Event Speaker
Event Speaker
25th February, 2023
Google Meet
Ms.Komal Bhoir
Ms. Snehal Chitale
Computer Engineering
Google Meet
Ms.Komal Bhoir
Ms. Snehal Chitale
Computer Engineering
Event Outcome:
The overall goal of this workshop was to understand following points:
- How to overcome a fear of programming language
- How to learn programming languages
- Managing live servers
- Installation of frameworks with db connection
- Creation of virtual environment in python and run file in virtual environment
- How to schedule the execution of script automatically
- Working with API
Event Feedback:
The event was well attended by the students. We received a good response from the participants and audience and also they gave very good feedback. Students are interested in having such a type of event even in future.