A Webinar on “Free Online Software – Autodesk Tinkercad” was organised by department of electronics and telecommunication engineering for S.E., T.E. and B.E. students on 30th October, 2020. Mr. Manoj Kavedia, Assistant Professor Thadomal Shahani College of Engineering was invited as guest speaker for this session.
The objective of this seminar was to motivate the students to use online software to work on PBL, mini projects & final year projects. In the pandemic due to COVID 19, open source simulation software can be really of help for all students for continued learning.
Dept. IETE Coordinator Mr. Pratik Mhatre introduced the guest. The speaker explained the basics of circuit implementation using Arduino, Sensors and other electronics components. The QA part of the session was really fruitful as students took part actively and cleared their queries. Session ended with vote of thanks by Head of the Department, Dr. Mansi Subhedar.
Session feedback submitted by all the students has confirmed the effectiveness of the session.