In pursuit of its commitment to “Quality and Excellence”, PHCET has conducted a Seminar Series on “Building Quality Consciousness” on 6th, 7th, 8th and 15th March, 2018, working with and addressing students and faculty in year-wise and class-wise groups. Dr. Chelpa Lingam the Principal, Dr. Mathew T. J. and Prof. Mansi S. Subhedar planned and executed the seminar. In Sixteen sessions of ninety minutes each all students and faculty were addressed by Dr. Chelpa Lingam, the Principal evoked a renewed commitment to Quality. The importance of NBA and NAAC accreditation for all the stakeholders was explained. The students were briefedabout the outcome based education and delivery of teaching-learning process as per Blooms Taxonomy. The role of satisfaction survey and how to put the best foot forward at all times were also explained as given below.