IIC Cell Organises a Webinar on “Intellectual Property Protection and Management in Academia” by Dr. Padma Satish, Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Industrial Research and Consultancy (IRCC), IIT Bombay on Monday, 26th April, 2021 Time: 05:00 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://pillai-edu-in.zoom.us/j/3276544465
Meeting ID: 327 654 4465
Speaker Profile:
Dr. Padmasatish works as the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at the Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Her work comprises multifarious functions relating to management and techno-administration of all R&D related activities undertaken in the Institute, with a main focus on Intellectual Property (IP) management / technology transfer. These include management of technical matters in R&D administration, IPR management, IP policy activities and new initiatives, startup related, contracts management, liaison with industry, researchers, funding agencies and governmental bodies, and mentorship, amongst other facilitation processes towards promotion of R&D at IIT Bombay.
She has organized and given a number of invited talks in various IPR / technology transfer related seminars, national workshops, student orientations and to industry personnel, and has been a resource person for government related work.
The session ended with Question Answer session and vote of thanks. Feedback link was sent to the participants. Positive feedback was received from participants and students suggested to organise more sessions like the same in the future.
Feedback by Participants:
- Session was well organized and gave good insights about Intellectual Property and Management in Academia.
- Speaker was excellent with thorough knowledge about IPR.
- Speaker cleared all doubts after the end of the session.
- Session will really help us in future regarding all the rights about patenting.