Department of Civil Engineering conducted Webinar on “Geotechnical Aspects for Design and Construction of Nuclear Facility” on Saturday, 30th May, 2020 at 11.30 a.m. Total 100 participants from Karnataka, Nagpur, Thane, Navi Mumbai and Mumbai participated in this webinar. Faculty from several Engineering Institute, MTech and PhD students from attended the webinar.
Zoom Cloud Meeting App
Civil Engineering
Ms. Ashwini P
Geotechnical engineering forms an important part in design and construction of buildings as to ensure safe and stable founding of the building, for distribution of loads without settlement or failure of founding strata. In case of nuclear power plant (NPP)/ nuclear facility (NF) the importance is well enhanced considering the degree of safety associated with it.
The primary step is associated with geotechnical investigation (GI) of the site considered for NF. The purpose of GI lies in understanding more on site, get parameters for foundation analysis and design, subsurface characteristics, groundwater table and rock level and the strength associated with same. GI is carried out in three stages viz, preliminary investigation, detailed investigation & confirmatory investigation. The implication of these investigations and associated parameters are used in structural analysis and design of NF and soil structure interaction (SSI) analysis is followed for NF following the provisions of AERB-SG-CSE-2 & ASCE-4:98. Procedure followed for analysis of foundation with overview on SSI analysis to be discussed in the course of presentation. Most of NF/NPP are founded on rocky strata with particular weathering grade. To reach to founding strata for construction of footings, deep excavation is required, which also includes rock excavation. Further geotechnical engineering has and important role to play on the excavation and safe construction of these structures and continuous site evaluation.
Mr. Nitheesh Narayanan, was the speaker for the webinar who has joined as scientific officer C in Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam in 2014. Since joining, has been involved in analysis and design of various structures including structures important for nuclear safety and non- nuclear buildings. His area of work includes Development of constitutive model for concrete for implementation in finite element (FE) analysis, for performance based designs of safety related structures, Analysis and design of safety related structures with emphasis on seismic design event, Development of in-house coding for structural members design based on FE analysis data for defined load combinations following the provisions of AERB/SS/CSE-1, Seismic margin assessment of nuclear facility (NF), as part to study and confirm on the effectiveness of the structure for beyond design basis event, Geotechnical investigation and studies on foundation design parameters. Study on possibilities of founding nuclear facility of reduced hazard on engineered back fill. Involved with Deep excavation techniques associated with construction of NF, to required founding strata.