Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology in association with Pillai Group of Institution during Pandemic as a respect to Salute to our great Corona warriors struggling with all odds and standing with one heart for serving our fellowmen decided to go for Railway Beautification, spreading awareness through Wall painting was done along with staff and students announcing the program as “Tribute to Corona Warriors”.
Resource Person
Mr. Sadashiv
“A picture is worth a thousand words”. This is experienced by many people on social media every day but here we are talking about a bigger picture! Not just in terms of size but the awareness it’s able to spread. Many eyeballs find it captivating because of the creativity and fineness of its artist. Here, we are talking about Wall Paintings. Social media campaigns do help to spread awareness but the Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology in association with Pillai Group of Institution chose a different path. With the help of artist Mr. Sadashiv, they opted to paint the walls of Panvel Railway Station and dedicate it to the corona warriors. For people to not forget their efforts these paintings were necessary. The more someone sees it, their subconscious mind reminds them of how doctors and healthcare workers thought of curing their patients first without worrying about their health. Thus, this psychological trick was only possible with the help of wall paintings as no one would’ve visited social media pages regularly to see such posters. Through this kind gesture, people from now onwards will have more respect for covid warriors.