Training Program on “General Machine Servicing and Maintenance”

PHCET > Mech Seminars & Workshops > Training Program on “General Machine Servicing and Maintenance”

One Day Training Program on “General Machine Servicing and Maintenance” was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering for non-Teaching staff members. Mr. Atul Jade and Mr. Vaibhav Bhagat were appointed as Resource Persons for this activity. The primary responsibility for the care and maintenance of all equipment in laboratory, machine shop and workshop rests with concerned in-charge non-Teaching staff. Thus, staff should understand how their equipment works, what its limitations are, and what it can and cannot do. Both resource persons explained a systematic approach to understand the principle of working and functionality of a machine. The importance of machine manuals was also explained to participants.

Date and Time7th January, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
VenueMachine shop and Workshop
Resource Person(s)Mr. Atul Jade and Mr. Vaibhav Bhagat
CoordinatorMr. Vaibhav Bhagat
DepartmentMechanical Engineering
  • To train Non-Teaching staff in basic care and maintenance of laboratory equipment, workshop and machine shop equipment.

  • To train Non-Teaching staff to identify and undertake minor repairs to identify symptoms of major repairs to avoid them and to identify major repairs

Mr. Atul Jade who has worked as Workshop Superintend previously explained the need of basic care, servicing and preventive maintenance for machines like lathe machine, milling machine, vertical drilling machine etc. Demonstration of conduction of general servicing was given to participants.

Mr. Vaibhav Bhagat who is currently working as Assistant Professor and Workshop Superintendent in PHCET explained breakdown maintenance aspects of machineries available. How to predict breakdown and prevent steps were explained along with how to carry out minor repairs of machineries. Mr. Vaibhav Bhagat also explained facts and reasons which can lead to major breakdown along with how to identify major breakdown. Mr. Bhagat also explained steps to be carried out in case breakdown occurs if the machine is in operation and what all are safety measures to be followed in such a case.

The session ended with a Question Answer session and finally concluded by vote of thanks by Dr. G. V. Patil, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department.