PHCET > News and Notifications > STRENGTHOPEDIA 2022

Department: Civil Engineering
Co-Ordinator: Ms. Ashwini P, Ms. Athira Pillai
Date: 28th July, 2022

A Technical quiz on Mechanics of Solids on the occasion of birth anniversary of Sir Robert Hooke was organized for students of Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology to test the knowledge in Mechanics of Solids in association with ASTR Student Chapter. The quiz was conducted on 28th July, 2022 from 3.00 p.m. onwards.

ASTR Student Chapter members along with faculty members
Mr. Harsh Mhatre and Mr. Damde Rohit got first prize in the quiz competition
Mr. Varad Salunkhe and Mr. Rohit Mehetar got second prize

There were about 15 groups, on each group with 2 students had participated in it. The registration was free of cost. The Quiz had 20 questions of 5 marks each. The group who got 1st prize has been provided with the certificate and 1000Rs Cash prize. The group who got 2nd prize has been provided with the certificate and 500Rs Cash prize. Remaining students have been provided with certificate of participation. Mr. Harsh Mhatre and Mr. Damde Rohit got first prize. The response from the students was also exciting. Maximum number of participants attended the quiz with good dedication. Head of the Department Prof. R.P.Narwade and all faculty members of the department worked together for successful completion of quiz.