National Scheme Service Special residential Camp was organized by NSS Unit, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology from 4th – 10th March, 2024 at Posari Thakurwadi, Posari, Taluka panvel District Raigarh.
Faculty Coordinator
Event Outcome
Posari Thakurwadi, Taluka Panvel, District Raigarh
NSS Unit, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology
Mr. Vikram Pawar, Mrs. Rekha Dhawan, Dr. Avinash Gatade
To contribute to the overall development of the Posari Thakurwadi village through sustainable activities.
Event Objective:
The camp brought significant positive changes to Posari Thakurwadi, including improved sanitation, environmental awareness, and community participation in developmental activities. Villagers expressed their gratitude for the efforts of the NSS Unit. The camp also served as a transformative experience for the volunteers, enhancing their sense of social responsibility and teamwork
NSS works mainly on the principle of NOT ME BUT YOU. The candidates who are involved in its activities work together with the people of the society for the benefit of the society, environmental protection, health and cleanliness, to help the people suffering at the time of emergency or natural calamity. A seven-day camp usually aims to provide an opportunity for students to participate in various community service activities, while also promoting teamwork and leadership skills. The camp may include activities such as cleaning up public areas, conducting health and hygiene drives, and organizing awareness campaigns on social issues.
Day 01
4th March, 2024
All the volunteers reached at the camp site at around 11.00 AM. All the volunteers gathered at Zilla parishad of posari thakurvadi village along with the NSS Co-ordinator Prof. Vikram Pawar and prof. Rekha Dhawan. As soon as all the volunteers are gathered in the school premises formal attendance was taken. A formal opening remark was given by NSS coordinator Prof. Vikram Pawar in presense of Grampanchayat Sarpanch Sangeeta Tonde and Upasarpanch Bandu Shidh.
All the 23 volunteers settled down in respective rooms and got freshen up. By 1.00 PM all the volunteers again gathered near the stage and were then sent in village for interaction with villagers. They told them about the events happening in next 6 days and also invited them for the same.
Volunteers later were divided into committees such as Event Management, Food committee, Discipline, Creativity, Media, Hospitality 4-5 volunteers per committee. Among these groups basic tasks such as cooking duty, kitchen cleaning and outer cleaning were distributed. According to the given tasks respective teams started working.
Then by 4.00 pm all volunteers gathered for Shramadan (cleaning) till 7:00 pm all the events for the day were completed and preparation for dinner started. At 9:00 pm all volunteers and faculty members gathered for dinner. After dinner one short meeting was conducted. In this meeting attendance was marked, review was taken from volunteers about their first day experience and agenda of next day was discussed and tasks for next were distributed within groups. In this way 1st day of camp was spent.
Day 02
5th March, 2024
The 2nd day of NSS camp started with yoga done by our volunteers at 6:00 am in the morning, and breakfast at 8:00 am. After breakfast shramadan activity took place by cleaning the school surrounding and walls were made ready for paintings from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. After that, volunteer had time for rest and lunch up till 2.30 pm. Arrangements were to be made for the sessions which was going to start at 3:00 pm all the necessary arrangements were made.
At 3:00 pm, the intellectual session started on the psychology this session was conducted by speaker Ms. Tejal Khedekar the session was so informative and interesting which was enjoyed by all the volunteers.
Session was related to awareness about alcohol, cigarettes and other tobacco products which are harmful to one’s health. Many villagers also joined the sessions and we were able to spread awareness about alcohol and tobacco. Our speaker Ms. Khedekar also gave some motivational books to our volunteers. After that at around 4:30 pm volunteers had their snacks break and playing session was arranged for volunteers. At 6:00 pm, two session were conducted by Prof. Rekha Dhawan first session was on Financial Planning and Time Management and second session was on importance of saving money and natural resources the session concluded at 8:00 pm. Volunteers had their dinner at 9:30 pm. After that the short meeting was arranged as usual and discussion was done about events held and also next day planning was discussed
Day 03
6th March, 2024
The 3rd day of NSS camp started with a warm-up exercise being done by our volunteers at 6 AM in the morning, and this activity was followed daily throughout the Special Camp. It was followed by breakfast at 8 am.
The Coordinators of NSS camp gathered all the volunteers for the preservation & compounding of the planted trees from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm

Some of the volunteers carried out the remaining wall paintings.

It was then followed by a session delivered by our Lecturer Dr. Avinash Gatade Sir on the topic “Waste Management” at Camp Location at 4.30 pm to 5.45 pm to Share Their Valuable Thoughts And Information With Our NSS Volunteers. The Session was Started By Welcoming The Guest.
The Topic Was Very Informative And Well Explained . We Understand The actual Meaning and Importance Of Waste Management. A waste management system is a streamlined process that organizations use to dispose of, reduce, reuse, and prevent waste. Also known as waste disposal, it is an approach where companies implement comprehensive strategies to efficiently manage wastes from their origin until their final disposal. Possible waste disposal methods are recycling, composting, incineration, landfills, bioremediation, waste to energy, and waste minimization.

Finally, the session ended with excitement and enthusiasm of the volunteers to be part of the NSS Special Camp.
Day 04
7th March 2024,
The 4th day of NSS camp started with warm-up exercise being done by our volunteers at 6 AM in the morning, and breakfast at 8 AM. After breakfast, we volunteered to do their daily cleaning activities.

At 09.00 am our volunteers had arranged a cleanliness drive behind the school premises, and also we volunteered for rain water harvesting. Where we cleaned the premises and digged the big holes to decrease the overflow of water coming from the mountains. It will help in water conservation on rainy days as it rains heavily at Posari Thakurwadi as it is located in the middle of the mountains.

And suddenly there was a fire in the forest so our volunteers went rushing to the bushes to eliminate the fire. The volunteers contributed in preserving the forest land as well as plants and trees from the wild fire without any harm or damage.

From 6.00 pm our volunteers had arranged a ‘CRAFT SESSION’ for the children of the village where they were very enthusiastic and eager for learning new crafts.
At 8.00 pm our volunteers organised a movie night for the village children’s.
Day 05
8th March, 2024
New day start with new hopes…
Morning starts with Yoga Session and also by remembering Lord ‘SHIVA’ on the occasion of ‘MAHASHIVARATRI’ being done by our NSS volunteers at 6AM and this activity was followed daily throughout the Special Camp. It was followed by breakfast and tea at 8 AM.
All the NSS volunteers gathered at 10AM for ‘Shramdan’ and cleaned the inside and outside of the premises and also the village. After Shramdan everyone freshened up and had lunch at 2 o’clock. After that some played and some went to rest for 2 hours.
From 4.00 pm to 5.45 pm a “DRAWING COMPETITION” was conducted by NSS unit volunteers

At 6.00 pm till 7.30 we had a session conducted on personality development by Mr. Avinash Pawar. He’s a professor at Amity University. A personality development training is a developmental programme for enhancing our personality. It helps us in improving our confidence levels and creating a good and lasting impression on others. And as a result of a good personality development training, one can have better personal and professional relationships as well as improved productivity and growth. Our personality plays a major role in our behaviour and all our interactions. Therefore, to improve the way we communicate with those around us, it’s important that we go deeper into our personality. Gaining awareness of what causes us to behave the way we do and how we come across to others is essential and holds the key to make suitable changes in our personality.

From 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm volunteers had arranged a “BHAJAN SANDHYA” by Shraddha Mali and her team for the villagers and also for the refreshment of the volunteers. She has participated in many competitions at State Level. The evening chant with lots of kirtans and enjoyable divine bliss from that all were meant for the villagers and the volunteers.

Day 06
9th March, 2024
Day started at 5.00 AM. All volunteers had to wake up at 5.00AM. 15 min are given to fresh purpose after that the 30 min yoga session conducted.
The time is given to fresh purpose the assign volunteers team did breakfast, outside cleaning. After doing the breakfast we all gathered together at 10.00 AM for the “Shramdan” at the thakurwadi.
At 11.00 am in the morning we had our special guest our Principal Dr. Jagdish Bakal Sir along with the HOD of Mechanical Department Prof. G. V. Patil enlightening all the NSS volunteers with their knowledge and also inspecting all the activities done by our volunteers. They interacted with the volunteers, appreciated their efforts and shared their own experiences of community service. The volunteers felt motivated and inspired by their words.

In the afternoon, we had our lunch at 2.00 pm and then all the volunteers rested for a while and started planning for the evening activities.
In the evening from 6.00 pm all the volunteers had planned some games for the villagers, right from small children to the adults. Games like musical chair, book balancing, frog jump etc were taken.
Hence all the volunteers are divided into Group A, Group B and Group C ,volunteers. Among this groups basic tasks such as cooking duty, kitchen cleaning and outer cleaning was distributed. According to given tasks respective teams started working.
Then by 9.00 PM all volunteers and faculty members again gathered for dinner. After dinner again one short meeting was conducted. In this meeting attendance was taken and agenda of next day was discussed. And also basic regular tasks was distributed within groups for next day. In this way 6th day of camp has been spent.
In the night a bonfire was organised by Mr.Sujit Patil sir he is one of the renowned member of the village. The night was fulfilled with loads of laughter, music, games and dances where in our faculty was also involved in it.
Day 07
10th March 2024,
The camp started early in the morning, and all the participants woke up to a beautiful day. After freshening up, the volunteers were served a nutritious breakfast.
The first activity of the day was cleaning. All the volunteers divided themselves into different groups and cleaned the surroundings of the temple. They collected the garbage, picked up litter, and swept the premises. The activity not only helped keep the premises clean but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Near the camp location there is water reservoir where domestic animals go for drinking water. But road to that place was blocked due to excess tree limbs so students cleared that.
Next, the volunteers got busy preparing lunch. They were divided into groups and assigned different tasks such as cutting vegetables, cooking, and cleaning. The lunch menu included chicken curry, bhakari and rice. The volunteers worked in teams and coordinated well to ensure that the lunch was ready on time.

In the evening, the volunteers had some free time to explore the surroundings. Some volunteers played games among themselves. The day ended with a feedback session where the volunteers shared their experiences and the learning they gained from the camp.

In the afternoon, the gifts were distributed to all the winners who had participated in the games last night.

Overall, it was a great day filled with learning, fun, and community service. The volunteers felt motivated and inspired to continue their efforts towards building a better society.
At the end of the Special Camp, the volunteers compiled a note on the various problems faced by the villagers. This special camp has Kept all special unforgettable memories for lifetimes for each and every volunteers.