The department of Electronics and Computer Science organized a Pseudo Code Competition on Friday, 5th August, 2022, under the IETE student forum. Ms. Pooja Kulkarni, Assistant professor ECS department took the initiative to organize this competition for SE ECS, TE EXTC and BE EXTC students. The competition started at 2.30 p.m. A question paper of 30 marks was set and 40 minutes were given to solve it. Around 70 students participated in the competition. Mr. Jayesh Rane, IETE co-coordinator was invited to evaluate the papers of the competition. The winners were chosen based on the time required and the logic applied to develop the code.
The prize distribution ceremony was organized on Monday, 8th August, 2022, in the department at 4.00 p.m. Honorable Principal, Dr. J.W. Bakal was invited to felicitate the winners. He congratulated all the winners as well as participants for taking active participation in the competition. He guided students about the importance of such competitions and their benefits in the future. He also appreciated the department faculty for their efforts to organize such competitions. Dr. Mansi Subhedar, Head of the department also motivated students to take active participation in such technical events. In the end, she presented a vote of thanks to the Principal Sir, the Coordinator, and all other faculty members.