Industrial Visit to “Thermal Power Plant”

PHCET > Latest News > Industrial Visit to “Thermal Power Plant”
Visit Date29th March, 2024
Name and Address of the IndustryTata Power, Trombay
Thermal Power Station,
Chembur - Mahul,
Mumbai, 400074
CoordinatorMr. Atul V. Jade
Mr. Yadagiri Antaya Hiramalla, (From Industry)
Mr. Uttam N. Pawar (From Industry)
Speaker and Guide from the IndustryMr. Siddharth M. Tole (TPSDI, Tata Power, Trombay)
No. of Students Participated18
No. of Faculty Participated01

The Trombay Thermal Power Station, located in Mumbai, has an installed generation capacity of 1430MW which is now reduced to 930 MW. Providing power to majority consumers (bulk & retail) in Mumbai, the plant has a list of firsts to its credit. From the first 150 MW and 500 MW plant in India to setting up the unique islanding system which ensures uninterrupted power supply to Mumbai.

Tata Power generates about 9032.5 MW from thermal power plant. Trombay power station was established in 1956 to provide power to the city of Mumbai. The coal-fired unit 3 (60 MW) and unit 4 (150 MW) were commissioned in the 1960s and have been retired. The first three units of the power station were initially intended to retire as soon as Unit 6 was commissioned, but power shortages in Greater Bombay prompted the government of India to extend the units’ lifetimes until the commissioning of Unit 7 in 1994. After Unit 3 was retired in 1994, its generator was converted to “run as a synchronous condenser to meet the shortage of reactive power in the grid.” Unit 5 (500+ MW) and Unit 8 (250 MW) are run on coal, Unit 6 on oil, and Unit 7 on gas. Tata Power has said the rising cost of fuel oil has led the company to consider conversion to imported coal.

Approximately 2.4 million tonnes of coal bituminous (low sulphur, low ash) coal for the existing coal-fired units is imported by a project specific coal berth mainly from Indonesia

Mr. S M Tole introduced the students about the history and present position of the industry. Also, he conducted a nice session explaining various cycles in power plants with automated models.

Throughout the visit Mr. S M Tole and his team interacted with students and helped them to enhance their knowledge. Students were very enthusiastic while watching & studying the unit 5 of the plant and became happy especially when they saw actual coal burning in the furnace, its live image in the control room and the three fuel (Coal, Oil, and gas) firing system of the single unit.