The Electrical Engineering Department organized an Industrial Visit to Bhira Hydro Electric Power Plant. All the second and third year Electrical Engineering students along with Prof. Pranita Chavan, Prof. R. D. More, Prof. Aamir Shaikh, Prof. Sanobar Shaikh and Prof. Supriya Shigwan visited to premises with an interest of linking the theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of hydro electric power plant.
Electrical Engineering
Prof. R. D. More and Prof. Supriya Shigwan
Mr. Amit Upadhyay, Training co-ordinator at Bhira, gave a brief introduction about Power generating System Principle and working. He explained working specification of Generator and Turbine in the process of Electricity Generation.
The plant’s maximum output capacity is nominally 300 MW, generated by six 25 MW Pelton turbines and a 150 MW pumped storage generator. The plant have two 10 kW microturbine units to generate further power from the tailrace after the main turbines.