Hands on Training Program on “Auto CAD”

PHCET > Mech Seminars & Workshops > Hands on Training Program on “Auto CAD”

One Day Hands on Training Program on “Auto CAD” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering for non-Teaching staff members. Mr. Aditya Shinde was a Resource Person for this activity and Mrs. Ashwini Shinde was a coordinator for this activity. Mr. Aditya Shinde has over 8 years of using and teaching AutoCAD to Engineering Students.

Date and Time21st January, 2023, 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
VenueFEA CAD CAM Lab (D-312)
Resource Person(s)Mr. Aditya Shinde
CoordinatorMrs. Ashwini Kadam
DepartmentMechanical Engineering
  • To train non-Teaching staff to understand the fundamental concepts and features of AutoCAD 2021

  • To train non-Teaching staff to the basic features and commands in AutoCAD 2021, and to understand techniques for creating, editing, and printing drawings

The primary objective of this activity was to teach non-Teaching staff the basic commands necessary for creating 2D drawing, design, and drafting using AutoCAD. Resource person also explained an approach to read Auto CAD drawing.

Following topics were introduced to participants under this activity.

Introduction to Autodesk AutoCADBasic Drawing & Editing Commands
Starting the SoftwareDrawing Lines
User InterfaceErasing Objects
Working with CommandsDrawing Lines with Polar Tracking
Cartesian WorkspaceDrawing Rectangles
Opening an Existing Drawing FileDrawing Circles
Saving a Drawing FileUndo and Redo Actions
Introduction to Autodesk AutoCADProjects - Creating a Simple Drawing
Starting the SoftwareCreate a Simple Drawing
User InterfaceCreate Simple Shapes
Working with CommandsSelecting Objects for Editing
Cartesian WorkspaceMoving Objects
Opening an Existing Drawing FileCopying Objects
Saving a Drawing FileRotating Objects
Scaling Objects
Mirroring Objects
Dimensioning Concepts
Adding Linear Dimensions
Adding Radial and Angular Dimensions