NSS Unit of Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani always works for the people in the neighbourhood community. It has adopted village Gulsunde, Panvel on 10th December, 2019. The population of this village is around 6000 out of which around 600 are tribes there where development is required. Currently all are aware of the COVID 19 situation and people are struggling for food because of lockdown. Government is also taking efforts and proving food stuff to all the people but is not enough for them. So we decided to help in adopted village and identified the needy people through Village representative Mr. Manoj Pawar, Grampanchayat Member, Gulsunde. We appealed faculty members and students to donate voluntarily for this purpose. We collected 40,000/- altogether from 50 faculty members and 6 students and brought grocery out of that. We bought Tur dal, Moong dal, Chana Dal, 1 litre Oil packets, 1 kg salt packets, onion, potato, soaps etc. We made 100 food packets each containing 1 kg Tur dal, 1 kg Moong dal, 1 kg Chana Dal, 1 litre Oil packet, 1 kg salt packet, 1 kg onion, 1 kg potato, 2 soaps, toothpaste etc. and distributed to 100 famillies in the tribal region of Gulsunde village on 21st April, 2020. The activity was co-ordinated by NSS co-ordinators Dr. Avinash gatade and Ms. Rekha Dhawan along with non teaching staff members Mr. Nitin Gopale and Mr. Mahendra Mali.