Speaker Profile:
Mr. Adil Sheikh, Visiting Research Scholar at Smart Grid Research Unit, Chulalogkorn University, Bangkok Thailand and Research Scholar at VJTI, Mumbai. Sir has 07 years of teaching and research experience with publication of more than 30 papers in various reputed journals and at various conferences of Australia, Italy, Spain and Parague. Sir is expert in the field of Electric Vehicle Technology. Prof. Aamir Shaikh introduced the Speaker and Session started.
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Prof. Pranita Chavan
Electrical Engineering
11:00 a.m to 11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
12:45 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Vote of Thanks
Expert Talk: The guest speaker took over the session with introduction of renewable energy resources and its importance. The session started with the basic essential topics. Key concepts of drive train technology was explained in brief. Sir bisected electric vehicle in various engineering field explaining computer , mechanical, electrical and electronics knowledge. Sir explained drive train topologies and fuel efficiency analysis with DC and AC machines for propulsion. Energy management strategies and energy efficiency plays important role in designing and modeling of drive trains. Various applications such as climate control and hybrid train was discussed. Students responded quickly to the speaker and one of the students Vinay Patil was appreciated for his quick and accurate response. The session ended with a vote of thanks to the speaker.