Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Engineering third year students celebrated Engineer’s Day on 19th September 2024 in honour of Dr. M. Visvesvarayya, a true gem of India and to identify the great works done by our hard working engineers each year. The main objective of the event was to encourage...Read More
On 19th September, 2024 NSS volunteers of Pillai HOC college of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani organized a cleanliness drive around the campus vicinity. The drive aimed to promote cleanliness, environmental awareness, and community engagement among students and local residents. Armed with gloves, garbage bags, and cleaning tools, the volunteers gathered at HOCL road and worked...Read More
The Student Chapter Committee of Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) at Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai’s HOC College of Engineering & Technology, Rasayani, has conducted an Elocution competition on ‘Building the Transition’ on 15th September, 2023. This theme ‘Building the Transition’ reflects commitment to driving a positive shift towards sustainable practices. It was an open invitation...Read More
On 15th September, 2024 NSS volunteers from PHCET Rasayani visited Panvel Old Age Home in collaboration with Graceful Hand Trust to spend quality time with the elderly residents and bring smiles to their faces. The visit aimed to foster a sense of companionship and appreciation for the elderly, creating meaningful connections between generations. The volunteers...Read More
Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Engineering third year students organized a Teachers’ Day celebration to honour and express gratitude to their teachers for their invaluable contributions, on 04th September, 2024. The event provided an opportunity for students to recognize the dedication of the faculty and celebrate the bond between teachers...Read More
The IETE student forum of the Electronics and Computer Science department organized a Website Design Competition for all the students in the institute across different disciplines on 23rd August, 2024. The event was held in the Software Engineering Lab of ECS Department. Around 30 students participated in the competition. The competition was conducted under the...Read More
Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, organized a Seminar on “Career Opportunities in Database Management” for SE, TE, BE students and faculty on 21th August, 2024. Event Objective There are plenty of opportunities in database management careers due to the increasing value of data in the digital economy....Read More
On 14th August, 2024 NSS volunteers from PHCET organized an awareness rally and parade to commemorate Independence Day and instil a sense of patriotism and national pride among students and local residents. The rally aimed to highlight the significance of India’s freedom struggle and promote unity within the community. The volunteers, waving the national flag,...Read More
Hands on Workshop on Solar PV Technology workshop organized by Electrical Department for students of Electrical department. The following concepts have been discussed the workshop: Solar Radiation: The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun, also known as sunlight or the solar resource. Solar Cells: Also known as photovoltaic (PV) cells, these non mechanical devices convert...Read More
The Department of Electronics and Computer Science organized a Seminar on “How to write a Pseudo Code” for second year ECS students on 1st August, 2024. Ms. Pooja Shukre. Assistant professor in ECS department, conducted this seminar and around 40 students benefited by the same. She addressed specific questions based on pseudo code and provided...Read More