Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, organized a Seminar on “Career Opportunities in Database Management” for SE, TE, BE students and faculty on 21th August, 2024. Event Objective There are plenty of opportunities in database management careers due to the increasing value of data in the digital economy....Read More
On 14th August, 2024 NSS volunteers from PHCET organized an awareness rally and parade to commemorate Independence Day and instil a sense of patriotism and national pride among students and local residents. The rally aimed to highlight the significance of India’s freedom struggle and promote unity within the community. The volunteers, waving the national flag,...Read More
World Tribal Day is celebrated every year on 9th August. The objective of this day is to protect the rights of tribal communities and create awareness about them. On this day, the contributions of tribal people are honored, including their significant role in addressing global issues such as environmental conservation. The NSS Unit of Pillai...Read More
As per the AICTE guideline, three days Induction Programme was conducted by Applied Sciences and Humanities Department for the academic year 2023-2024 from Monday, Aug 7th, 2023 to Wednesday, Aug 9th, 2023 on 9th Floor Auditorium, PHCET. The day wise details of the session are given below: 7th August, 2023: The event began with a...Read More
Hands on Workshop on Solar PV Technology workshop organized by Electrical Department for students of Electrical department. The following concepts have been discussed the workshop: Solar Radiation: The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun, also known as sunlight or the solar resource. Solar Cells: Also known as photovoltaic (PV) cells, these non mechanical devices convert...Read More
The Department of Electronics and Computer Science organized a Seminar on “How to write a Pseudo Code” for second year ECS students on 1st August, 2024. Ms. Pooja Shukre. Assistant professor in ECS department, conducted this seminar and around 40 students benefited by the same. She addressed specific questions based on pseudo code and provided...Read More
Event Objective: The objective of the workshop is to provide participants with comprehensive, practical knowledge of LaTeX, a high-quality typesetting system widely used for technical and scientific documentation. The workshop aims to equip attendees with the skills necessary to create professional documents, including research papers, theses, reports, and presentations, using LaTeX. Participants will learn the...Read More
A 42-hour value-added course on “Advances in Renewable Energy Sources,” was conducted by Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF), Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay. The course, held from 27th July 2024 to 10th October 2024, provided an in-depth understanding of the latest developments...Read More
Objective of Site Visit: Students will be able To study and understand the components of Railway Engineering i.e. Rails, Sleepers, Ballast. To analyse the concept of Superelevation, Negative Superelevation at Turnouts. Design and understand the maintenance of railway track. Outcomes: Students have gained the knowledge of Components of railway engineering. Have Understood the concept of...Read More
CSI PHCET organised a comprehensive Orientation program and Domain discovery event titled “ORIENTATION PROGRAM : DOMAIN DISCOVERY”. The event aimed at second year students to introduce them to the club’s mission, structure, and activities while providing exposure to various domains within computer science. With the aim of welcoming new members and introducing them to the...Read More