Department of Applied Mathematics, Sciences & Humanities organized a Parent Teacher Meeting on 3rd October, 2015 in Library, II floor, Engineering building. Around 400 students along with their parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Dr. Manvendra Vashistha (HOD, AMSH). After the address of HOD, students and parents were divided division wise. They...Read More
Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a Parent Teacher Meeting on 12th September, 2015 in 307, 3rd floor, Engineering Building. Around 50 students along with their parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Mr. S. N. Kadam (HOD, MECH).Read More
Department of Electrical organized a Parent Teacher Meeting on 12th September, 2015 in 504, V-floor, engineering building. Around 30 students (SE-ELEC-29) along with their parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Prof. Asokan (HOD, ELEC). wherein he discussed following topics- Exam scheme Academic schedule / calendar Information about online examination Attendance of wards...Read More
After opening remarks by Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai, Shri. Kamlesh D. Patel, in his speech emphasized benefits of meditation to students like rise in IQ levels, reduction of academic stress, improvement in academic achievement, better focus, brain integrity and efficiency, reduction in depression and anxiety, lower absenteeism, better behavior – overall happier and confident...Read More
Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology has celebrated 52nd World Literacy Day on 8th September, 2015. This year’s theme was ‘Literacy and Skills Development’. Focusing on students and faculties within the lifelong learning framework, the effective linkages between literacy and skills had been explored.Read More