Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering of Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani conducted Workshop on “Antenna Design using IE3D” under IETE Students forum, on 8th October, 2016 for the target members of IETE-BE EXTC. The speakers for workshop were Prof. Pratik Mhatre and Prof. Kishor Biradar, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and...Read More
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering organized a Parent Teacher Meeting, Academic Year 2016-2017 in Classroom A-104, I-Floor, EXTC Dept., Engineering building. The meeting was addressed by Prof. Divya Chirayil (HOD, EXTC) and other senior staff members of the Department. Department Mission, Vision, PEO, PSO was discussed in the meeting. Importance of daily studying at...Read More
Interactive session with parents and students were held for electrical engineering and electronics engineering students. Feedback from parents were collected regarding the PTM. Parents were asked to look into the academic performance of their wards. Information about campus interview was given to the parents and students. The report about attendance and marks of students were...Read More
Heartfelt condolence for brave soldiers Uri attack was an attack by four heavily armed terrorists on 18th September 2016, near the town of Uri in the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir. It was reported as “the deadliest attack on security forces in Kashmir in two decades”. 18 soldiers scarified their life in Uri attack...Read More
Department of Electrical organized a Parent Teacher Meeting on 24th September, 2016 in 504, V-floor, engineering building. Around 53 students (SE-ELEC-30, TE-ELEC-23) along with their parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Prof. Asokan (HOD, ELEC). The Purpose / Objective of Parent Teacher Meeting was aimed at: Building a Partnership where a Teacher...Read More
The Parents Teachers Meeting was conducted on 24th September, 2016 for S.E., T.E. and B.E. The faculty of the Civil Department introduced themselves to the parents mentioning their responsibilities; qualification and experience. HOD of Civil department Dr. Tejaswini D. N. addressed the parents in seminar hall and gave a power point presentation on activities of...Read More
Department of Applied Mathematics, Sciences & Humanities organized a Parent Teacher Meeting on 24th September, 2016 in 9th floor Auditorium, Main building. Around 600 students along with their parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Dr. Manvendra Vashistha (HOD, AMSH). After the address of HOD, students and Parents were divided division wise and...Read More
Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a Parent Teacher Meeting on 24th September, 2016 in B-304, 3rd floor, Engineering Building. Around 50 students along with their parents attended the meeting. The meeting was addressed by Dr. M. D. Nadar (HOD, MECH).Read More
Department of Computer Engineering organised a Parent Teacher Meeting on Saturday, 24th September, 2016. Students came along with their parents attended the meeting; the meeting was addressed by Dr. Ashok Kanthe (HOD).Read More