As per the syllabus of Mumbai University for Second year Civil Engineering Degree Course, a Surveying Project work is to be carried out. The students are required to conduct the following projects and prepare detailed drawing sheets.
- Radial contouring
- Block contouring
- Longitudinal profiling and cross-sectioning of Roadwork
Faculty Coordinator
Civil Engineering
SE A & B
Ms. Smitha J S & Mr. Chaitanya Khaire
For the academic year 2022-23, the survey project for students of Semester IV –A and B divisions was conducted at Moteria Resort, Karjat, on 31st March and 1st April, 2023. Initiation and discussions on preparing the four required drawing sheets was carried out on 4th April, 2022 at the classroom, PHCET.
The survey camp was conducted with the following objectives:
- To familiarise the students with the some of the surveying works conducted on site like contouring, profiling, cross-sectioning etc.
- To instil the knowledge of taking observations with various surveying instruments like dumpy level, digital theodolite etc.
- To train the student to process the field observations and obtain useful data.
The students obtained necessary data pertaining to required survey works. In the field, staff readings were entered in the standard level book format. Later, calculations were made to find out the following
- Reduced levels pertaining to radial contouring project. The staff intercept is used to calculate the horizontal and vertical distances along the radial lines.
- Reduced levels pertaining to block contouring project which is used to prepare the topographic map of the area.
- Reduced levels pertaining to road project which is used to plot the longitudinal profile and cross section of road.
On successful completion of the survey camp, the students were able to:
- Gain knowledge regarding projects like contouring, profiling, cross-sectioning etc.
- Use various surveying instruments as per the requirement of the project
- Practice calculation of reduced levels from field readings
- Prepare the necessary drawings like Longitudinal sections and Cross section (highway project), topographic maps using block contour and radial contouring.