Date: Saturday, 29th April, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. onwards
Venue: Auditorium, PHCET
The Degree Distribution Ceremony for the graduates of Academic Year 2021-2022 was conducted on Saturday, 29th April, 2023 at Auditorium hall, PHCET. The ceremony started with Saraswati Vandana and lighting of the lamp. Shri. Deepak Mukadam, chief guest of the ceremony, Dr. J. W. Bakal, Principal of Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology guided the graduates through their speech and handed the degree certificate to the graduates along with the Ms. Rohini Bhosale, HoD of Computer Engineering. 100 graduates attended the ceremony. Event was graced by their parents, relatives and friends. The ceremony was concluded with vote of thanks.