Dr. G.V. Patil Certified heart fullness yoga trainer and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department gave students insight on importance of Meditation . He put light on Gaytrimantra, Suksham Vyayaam, different yoga postures, Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar, Shavasna, Om chanting Pranayam, Sudarshan Chakra, Meditation, Dhayana and many more. Students performed yoga and different types of yoga postures following the instruction given by Dr. Patil . At the end of the session students asked few queries related to meditation and yoga to improve concentration that was promptly answered Dr. Patil.
Name of the Event : Pranayama and Yoga
Date : 4th January, 2022
Time : 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
He strived to impart Rejuvenation and meditation training among students. He further explained how meditation is an excellent technique to strengthen core and improve concentration. He presented wonderful technique to practice meditation in day–to-day life. Students and faculty were made to practice few meditation techniques to improve their mental health and finding their inner selves.