Mechanical Engineering Department had successfully conducted an Online Webinar on “Career Opportunities in NDT and General Guidance” for students and faculty of PHCET.
Resource Person
Ms. Anagha Bhide, Director, Bhide Institute of Testing Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. G. V. Patil & Mr. Sunilsing Rajput
Mechanical Engineering
Ms. Anagha Bhide is Director at Bhide Institute of Testing Technology Pvt. Ltd. which is located at Navi Mumbai. She is has delivered several talks on Non-destructive testing & its importance in the manufacturing & testing areas. She also conduct various courses on NDT Level I & Level II.
Total 228 students and faculty members have participated the session. The Session started with welcome of speaker by Mr. Sunilsing Rajput, & then commenced the session by speaker by explaining the Non-destructive testing, & different types of non-destructive testing used by industries for the betterment of productivity. She explained all the fundamentals about NDT. Session was planned around 4 hours where she explained all the perspective of NDT.
The session ended with Question Answer and vote of thanks by Dr. G. V. Patil, Head of Mechanical Engineering Dept. Feedback link was sent to the participants and E-Certificate was mailed to their registered mail ids. Positive feedbacks were received from participants.