Speaker Profile: Prof. Jayesh Rane, Assistant Professor, EXTC Department, PHCET, possess bachelor’s degree in EXTC engineering and Masters in EXTC Currently pursuing Ph.D. in the area of Multimodal Medical Image Analysis has more than 8 years of Teaching experience. Published a book on “Signature Recognition – A neural network Perspective” which is available on Amazon. Prof. Sangeetha Rajagopal introduced the Speaker and Session started.
Google Meet
Prof. Sangeetha Rajagopal
11:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.
02:00 p.m. to 02:10 p.m.
Vote of Thanks
Expert Talk: Main objective of this seminar was to get brief knowledge about Latex. seminar was purposefully arranged for final year students to fulfill their project documentations needs. Speaker made this session live, starting from Introduction of Latex and then installation of software, commands, everything he explained elaborately. It was an interactive and informative session and was carried out through Google Meet around 50 Students participated enthusiastically.
After completing this session students were extremely satisfied and gained good knowledge about Latex software.