The One Day Workshop was organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and it commenced at 10:00 a.m. on 10th August, 2019 in fourth floor computer lab. Ms. Supriya Shigwan and Ms. Lakshmi C. R. conducted the session for Final year students of Electrical Engineering.
Electrical Engineering
Prof. Lakshmi C. R. and Prof. Supriya Shigwan
The workshop focused on comprehensive topic discussions on LATEX concepts. The necessary software to be installed were explained. The session included introduction to various features of LATEX with some advanced topics that will help to write the academic material as well as research papers that are suitable for publication in reputed journals.
Outlines of the workshop:
- Session I
- Document Structure, Packages
- Text Formatting
- Lists
- Bullets and Numbering
- Sectioning and Chapters
- Mathematical Typeset
- Alignments
- Session II
- Working with Images
- Define new environment
- Tables & Graphics
- CSV File Handling
- Header and Footer
- Bibliography and Citations
- Report / Thesis
An interactive session where the students were asked to solve some problems was also included. There were 23 participants for the workshop. The workshop received a good feedback from the participants.