Goal of the Workshop
The new norms of NBA stipulate that the teacher’s focus should shift from teaching to learning. In this context Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in the Congnitive Domain is recommended to be the focus for the lecture delivery. Since Bloom’s Taxonomy consists of many layers, it is difficult to implement it on mass scale. Hence, we choose the modified Bloom’s Taxonomy that consists of mainly four levels. These are Information Level, Understanding Level, Application Level and the Synthesis Level. In our one day workshop, held on Saturday 7th June 2014, around 25 faculty members have been identified and trained to present a single concept from the perspective of these four levels. Each participant was given 3 minutes to present the concept at each level. This amounts to 12 minutes. With a buffer of 3 minutes, each participant got 15 minutes to make a presentation. By having a tight control on the time all 25 faculty participants could make presentations in the one day workshop that started at 10:00 Hrs and went on till 17:00 Hrs.
Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani
Around 60+ Faculty members from all departments participated. Remaining faculty members were either on vacation, or were having other duties allocated to them as the examinations and both University and Institute CAP were in progress.
The general feedback is very good All faculty members felt that they had obtained a new perspective to teaching and that this perspective will definately help them to perform better as teachers in the classroom. Some even felt that this could help in improving pass percentage.