Continuing with our mission of spreading love, NSS PHCET visited Chinchmol, Borgaon, Karjat on the 21st September, 2019 with 25 NSS volunteers and 3 faculty co-ordinators. The volunteers spent quality time with the people of chinchmal place within the home which provides education, healthcare, nutrition, clothing and most importantly love and support to the homeless people. It was an enriching experience for the entire team. Essentials like toiletries like sanitary napkins were distributed among the girls and also distributed cloth bags to the people of the village. The volunteers indulged in one to one interaction with the girls, getting an insight into their daily lives and their experiences there, trying to relax them a bit and listening to the struggles they had endured. Volunteers had a gala time playing games with them and got an opportunity to relive their own childhood. Finally, some toffees were distributed among the girls as tokens of our love. The smiles on their vibrant faces were our reward for the day.
The importance of the nutrition were told to the people of chinchmal place by NSS volunteers along with Ms. Rekha Dhawan. Like Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, our diet can help us to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce our risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer) and promote our overall health. If we don’t take good nutrition then the poor nutrition can contribute to stress, tiredness and our capacity to do work and overtime, it can contribute to the risk of developing some illnesses and other health issues such as high blood pressure. Therefore Informative charts on nutrition and wellness were put up and explained to all the people.