The guest lecture was organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and it commenced at 10:00 a.m. on 27th August, 2019 in the 1st Floor, Conclave-I. Ms. Anita Chaudhari, Deputy Executive Engineer in MSEDCL was invited as resource person. She is having vast experience in Testing of electrical equipments like meters, transformers, cables etc. At factory before dispatch for MSEDCL. She has more than 13 years of experience in testing division and have an experience of testing of meters and maintenance of suubstations and attending their faults findings and troubleshooting.
Electrical Engineering
Conclave-I, PHCET
Prof. Pranita Chavan
The speaker commenced the session with different opportunity in power sector where she highlighted the various government schemes available for electrical engineers. Different regulatory bodies, Electricity act, Indian standards followed for testing electrical components like current transformer, power transformer etc. were discussed. Concepts of energy accounting, prepared energy meter theft detection, billing procedure followed by MSEDCL were explained by the speaker. The change in needs of considering both lead and lag factors was also discussed. Recent problems faced due to oversized capacitor banks and harmonics introduced from end-user side were discussed.
The session was concluded with a question answer session at 12:30 p.m. Students have given positive feedback and they were expecting more session like the same.