Department of Civil Engineering conducted Institute of Engineers (India) Approved Two Days National Workshop on 3rd and 4th August, 2018, on “Real-time Applications of Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Engineering”.
Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Engineering are non-separable parts of civil engineering. Geotechnical engineering inputs are required during planning, design and implementation to ensure economical and safe designs of structures whereas, Transportation engineering involves planning, design, construction, functioning and maintenance of amenities for providing safe, efficient and economical movement of people and goods. The main objective of the workshop was to explore and discuss the emerging challenges in both of the fields.
The workshop started with a welcome address by Dr. Tejaswini D. N., Head of the Civil Engineering Department including brief introduction of the mission, vision and activities conducted in the department. This was followed by introduction of the workshop theme by Ms. Manisha Jamgade and Ms. Sonali Baviskar (Co-ordinators of the workshop). They accentuate the role of the geotechnical and transportation engineering in civil engineering.
Eminent speakers from illustrious Industries and Academic Institutes were invited to address real-time issues faced during execution of construction work. Mr. Vijay Karande, Dr. B. S. Asha, Mr. Sunit Banerjee, Tehsin Kazi, Dr. Tejaswini D. Nalamutt, Ms. Manisha Jamgade, Ms. Sonali Baviskar talked on various concern giving more emphasize on Geotechnical Site Investigation, Ground Improvement Technique, Case studies on Pile Foundation, Use of Plastics in Construction, Design of Flexible Pavement by Mechanistic Empirical Approach – IRC 200, etc.
Around 150 participants attended the workshop and enriched their knowledge and skill in the specified fields. The participants furnish positive feedback about the workshop. The workshop helped the participants to get well acquainted with various aspects of geotechnical as well as transportation engineering and their integration and implementation in the real situations.