Department of Electrical Engineering organised Orientation Program for the students of Second, Third and Final year engineering on 17th July, 2018.
Electrical Engineering
Ms. Pranita Chavan, Head of the Department welcomed all the students of S.E., T.E. & B.E. for academic year 2018-19 by introducing them to the vision and mission of the department. The PEOs and PSOs of the department were also explained to them. They were also told about the importance of outcome based learning. The students were encouraged to participate in various technical events as well as cultural festivals for the overall department of the students. Class Coordinators also informed about 75% attendance criteria for all lectures. Other faculty members told them about the student mentorship program which is being conducted in the department. Student mentorship program is for encouraging students and developing their interpersonal skills as well. Different kinds of guest and expert lectures are being organized for students each semester. They are having mini projects as well as project exhibitions like Project Based learning which are evaluated by the Principal Sir. Industrial visits are being organized for students to explore the real world of technology. There are regular Parents Teacher meeting scheduled to keep track of the progress report of every student.