The Parent Teacher’s Meeting was organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering on 7th October, 2017 in 504, V-floor, Engineering building.
Electrical Engineering
The meeting started with the welcome address by Head of the Department, Prof. Pranita Chavan. She briefed the gathering (of 31 parents) about the activities and also explained how the department offers the best possible learning environment for the students. Subsequently student’s attendance, academic performance and other special programmes have been briefed to the parents. The following points are discussed in the meeting:
General information about Departmental facilities and strategies planned for this academic year was explained.
- Training programmes conducted were brought to their notice.
- Special coaching classes and action plans to improve slow learner results were disclosed to the parents.
- System that is followed for the internal marks and its importance were explained.
- Attendance of the weak student were shown to the parents
- Internal assessment test performance, University results and number of arrears were shown to the parents.
- Parents were informed about the Study materials, important questions and sample question papers that were given to the students to improve the student preparation.
After the address of HOD, students and parents were divided division wise. They interacted with Class Coordinator and respective subject teachers. University results, Test results, Attendance, Discipline and Punctuality of a ward were discussed individually by class coordinator and counseling for improvement was given accordingly.
At last, the parents filled the feedback form and expressed their views. Following are the views and suggestion given by parents. Parents appreciated the training programmes that were arranged for their ward. Parent’s felt happy for the efforts taken by the department in identifying and gathering them and disclosing their wards performance to batten down the shutters before he fails. Parents Teacher meeting should be arranged at least twice in every semester.