The PTM (Parents Teachers Meeting) ODD SEM A.Y. 2019-20 of Computer Engineering Department was conducted on 24th August, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at Department of Computer Engineering. The main aim of the meeting was to create a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to discuss various issues for all round development of students.
Computer Engineering
The agenda of the Parents and Teachers Meeting was as follows:
- UT-I result
- Attendance
- Training and placement
- Information about vision and mission of department
- Syllabus and Curriculum
Initially there was an interaction session of parents with Class Coordinators (CCs) and faculty members. Attendance, Unit Test-1 marks were shown to parents and progress of students were discussed. After that Dr. Ashok Kanthe, HOD Computer Dept. addressed the gathering and discussed about student’s attendance, exam schedule, Teacher Guardian Mentoring Scheme etc. with the parents and given a presentation about Dept. activities, achievements of students and placement. Then Principal Dr. Madhumita Chatterjee addressed the gathering. Twenty students from the B.E. final year of Computer Engineering placed in various companies. These students spoke about their experience and the preparation they did for getting selected through campus recruitment. Then TPO Mr. Swapnil Waghmare spoke about placement opportunities and preparation for placement. Total 57 parents attended the meeting (15 from S.E., 35 from T.E. and 7 from B.E.) with students. At the end of the session parents filled the feedback form and survey form to express their views. More than 95% of the parents given excellent rating for teaching learning process, accessibility of Teacher / HOD / Principal, infrastructure facilities, learning resources such as library, internet and support services like career counselling, placement etc.
Following are the views and suggestion given by parents:
- Appreciated the teaching learning process, college infrastructure
- Praised faculty efforts for improvement of their wards