Parents and Teachers Meeting was held on 9th March, 2019 at 10 a.m. in department. The main purpose of meet was to create a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to enrich the student’s educational experiences and discuss variety of issues, regarding all round development of student.
Computer Engineering
Faculty members discussed following points with Parents
- UT-I result
- Attendance
- Training and placement
- Information about vision and mission of department
- Syllabus and Curriculum
The meeting was addressed by Head of Department Dr. Ashok Kanthe. He discussed about student’s attendance, exam schedule, Teacher Guardian Mentoring Scheme, Meditation benefits etc with the parents. After addressing with HoD, TPO In-charge and senior faculty members and the parents interacted with class coordinator and subject in charge. A progress report was made for individual student mentioning the internal test result & attendance of students by the class coordinator and counseling for overall improvement was given accordingly. At the end of the session parents filled the feedback form and survey form to express their views.
Following are the views and suggestion given by parents:
- Appreciated the college facility, faculties and meeting.
- Praised faculty efforts for improvement of their wards.