Parent Teacher Meeting was organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Science on Saturday 1st October, 2022. Principal Dr. J. W. Bakal addressed the gathering with his speech with warm welcome and appreciation of parents for attending the Offline Parents Meet after COVID -19 Pandemic. Training and Placement officer Ms. Divya Nair informed the policies and planning for upcoming placement. Exam cell incharge Mr. Amar Jadhav explained about upcoming oral practical and semester examinations. Head of the Department, Dr. Mansi Subhedar discussed the efforts taken by the department for technical as well as overall development of students by providing them in-house facilities. She briefed parents regarding IETE activities, teaching learning process, internal assessments and result analysis etc. She also introduced all class teachers of respective classes to the parents. Class teachers and subject teachers discussed individual student performance, attendance and IA marks. Meeting was closed with a vote of thanks on behalf of the department and assured parents about organizing such interactions on frequent basis. Parents reported their feedback in the form of appreciating the efforts taken by the institutes and department for their ward’s bright future.